1 teaspoon (metric) is equal to 0.00017657333360744 cubic feet
teaspoons (metric) (tsp) | cubic feet (cu ft) |
4 | 0.00070629333442977 |
6 | 0.0010594400016447 |
8 | 0.0014125866688595 |
10 | 0.0017657333360744 |
12 | 0.0021188800032893 |
14 | 0.0024720266705042 |
16 | 0.0028251733377191 |
18 | 0.003178320004934 |
20 | 0.0035314666721489 |
22 | 0.0038846133393637 |
24 | 0.0042377600065786 |
26 | 0.0045909066737935 |
28 | 0.0049440533410084 |
30 | 0.0052972000082233 |
32 | 0.0056503466754382 |
To create a customized teaspoons (metric) to cubic feet conversion table, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.