1 pint (US dry) is equal to 111.7101298418 teaspoons (US)
pints (US dry) (pt) | teaspoons (US) (tsp) |
10 | 1117.101298418 |
15 | 1675.651947627 |
20 | 2234.202596836 |
25 | 2792.753246045 |
30 | 3351.303895254 |
35 | 3909.854544463 |
40 | 4468.405193672 |
45 | 5026.955842881 |
50 | 5585.50649209 |
55 | 6144.057141299 |
To create a customized pints (US dry) to teaspoons (US) conversion table, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.