1 minim (US) is equal to 0.012322303984375 teaspoons (metric)
minims (US) (min) | teaspoons (metric) (tsp) |
15 | 0.18483455976562 |
20 | 0.2464460796875 |
25 | 0.30805759960937 |
30 | 0.36966911953125 |
35 | 0.43128063945313 |
40 | 0.492892159375 |
45 | 0.55450367929688 |
50 | 0.61611519921875 |
55 | 0.67772671914062 |
60 | 0.7393382390625 |
65 | 0.80094975898437 |
70 | 0.86256127890625 |
75 | 0.92417279882812 |
80 | 0.98578431875 |
85 | 1.0473958386719 |
90 | 1.1090073585938 |
95 | 1.1706188785156 |
100 | 1.2322303984375 |
105 | 1.2938419183594 |
110 | 1.3554534382812 |
To create a customized minims (US) to teaspoons (metric) conversion table, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.