Tablespoon (metric) conversions

Convert tablespoons (metric) to

tablespoon (metric) (unit of volume), pl. tablespoons (metric), abbr. tbsp

The tablespoon (metric) conversion selector above selects the volume measurement unit to convert to starting from tablespoons (metric). To make a conversion starting from a unit of volume other than tablespoon (metric), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About tablespoon (metric)

The tablespoon, or metric tablespoon, is a unit of volume equal to 1.5 × 10-5 cubic meters (1 metric tbsp = 1.5 × 10-5 m3), the derived unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI).

The metric tablespoon (tbsp) is also equal to 15,000 cubic millimeters (mm3), or 15 cubic centimeters (cm3) or 0.015 cubic decimeters (dm3) (units of volume in the SI), or 15,000 microliters (μL), or 15 milliliters (mL), or 0.15 deciliters (dL) or 0.015 liters (L), which are units of volume in the metric system.

The tablespoon definition varies as follows:

  • The Imperial tablespoon or tablespoon (UK), equal to 17.76 cubic centimeters
  • The US customary tablespoon or tablespoon (US), equal to 14.79 cubic centimeters
  • The Australian tablespoon or tablespoon (Australia), equal to 20 cubic centimeters
  • The Canadian tablespoon or tablespoon (Canada), equal to 14.2 cubic centimeters
  • The metric tablespoon or tablespoon (metric), equal to 15 cubic centimeters
  • The tablespoon (FDA), equal to 15 cubic centimeters

The metric tablespoon is used as a unit of volume in cooking recipes.

Plural: tablespoons (metric)

Also called: tablespoon (plural: tablespoons)

Tablespoon (metric) conversions: a detailed list with conversions from tablespoons (metric) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) volume measurement units is presented below.

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