1 centiliter is equal to 0.0022702074606721 gallons (US dry)
centiliters (cL) | gallons (US dry) (gal) |
15 | 0.034053111910082 |
25 | 0.056755186516803 |
35 | 0.079457261123525 |
45 | 0.10215933573025 |
55 | 0.12486141033697 |
65 | 0.14756348494369 |
75 | 0.17026555955041 |
85 | 0.19296763415713 |
95 | 0.21566970876385 |
105 | 0.23837178337057 |
115 | 0.2610738579773 |
125 | 0.28377593258402 |
135 | 0.30647800719074 |
145 | 0.32918008179746 |
155 | 0.35188215640418 |
165 | 0.3745842310109 |
175 | 0.39728630561762 |
185 | 0.41998838022435 |
195 | 0.44269045483107 |
205 | 0.46539252943779 |
To create a customized centiliters to gallons (US dry) conversion table, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.