Foot-poundal conversions

Convert foot-poundals to

foot-poundal (unit of energy or work), pl. foot-poundals, abbr. ft-pdl

The foot-poundal conversion selector selects the energy measurement unit to convert to starting from foot-poundals (ft pdl). To make a conversion starting from a unit of energy other than foot-poundal, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About foot-poundal

The foot-poundal is a unit of energy or work equal to 0.04214011 joules (1 ft-pdl = 0.04214011 J), the SI derived unit of energy.

The foot-poundal (ft-pdl) is also equal to 4.214011 × 107 nanojoules (nJ), or 4.214011 × 10-5 kilojoules (kJ), or 0.03108095 foot-pound force (ft-lbf), or 421,401.1 ergs (erg) or 0.3729714 inch-pound force (in-lbf).

The foot-poundal is the work done when a force of one poundal acts over a distance of one foot.

1 ft-pdl = 1 pdl × 1 ft

The poundal (pdl) is a unit of force while the foot (ft) is a unit of length.

Symbol: ft-pdl

Plural: foot-poundals

Foot-poundal conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from foot-poundals to other (metric, imperial, or customary) energy measurement units is displayed below.

Back to foot-poundal (ft pdl)
