1 cubic foot of natural gas is equal to 25036855.629267 foot-poundals
cubic feet of natural gas | foot-poundals (ft pdl) |
7 | 175257989.40487 |
9 | 225331700.6634 |
11 | 275405411.92193 |
13 | 325479123.18047 |
15 | 375552834.439 |
17 | 425626545.69754 |
19 | 475700256.95607 |
21 | 525773968.2146 |
23 | 575847679.47314 |
25 | 625921390.73167 |
27 | 675995101.9902 |
29 | 726068813.24874 |
31 | 776142524.50727 |
33 | 826216235.7658 |
35 | 876289947.02434 |
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