Section conversions

Convert sections to

section (US land surveying unit of area), pl. sections

The section conversion selector here selects the area/surface measurement unit to convert to starting from sections. To make a conversion starting from a unit of area other than section, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About section

The section is a US land surveying unit of area equal to one square mile (1 section = 1.0 sq mi). The section is equal to 2,589,988.11 square meters (m2) or 2.58998811 square kilometers (km2) (units of area in the SI), or 258.998811 hectares (ha) (a unit of area in the metric system), or 640 acres (ac), or 27.8784 × 106 square feet (sq ft) or 3.0976 × 106 square yards (sq yd), which are Imperial / US customary units of area.

Common section conversions:

  • 36 sections are equivalent to one survey township
  • One quarter section is equal to 160 acres or 64.7497 hectares
  • One quarter-quarter section is equal to 40 acres or 16 hectares

Plural: sections

Section conversions: a list with conversions from sections to other (metric, imperial, or customary) area and surface measurement units is shown below.

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