Ton (water) conversions

Convert tons (water) to

ton (water) (unit of volume), pl. tons (water)

The ton (water) conversion selector on this page selects the volume measurement unit to convert to starting from tons (water). To make a conversion starting from a unit of volume other than ton (water), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About ton (water)

The water ton is a unit of volume or capacity equal to 1.01832416 cubic meters (1 water ton = 1.01832416 m3), the derived unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI).

The ton (water) is also equal to 1,018,324.16 cubic centimeters (cm3), or 1,018.32416 cubic decimeters (dm3) or 1.01832416 × 10-3 cubic decameters (dam3) (units of volume in the SI), or 10,183.2416 deciliters (dL), or 1,018.32416 liters (L), or 101.832416 decaliters (daL) or 1.01832416 kiloliters (kL), which are units of volume in the metric system.

The water ton is defined as the volume or capacity occupied by a mass of 1 long ton.

Conversions of various tons:

  • The displacement ton is equal to 35 cubic feet or about 0.9911 kiloliters
  • The freight ton or measurement ton is equal to 40 cubic feet or about 1.13267 kiloliters
  • The register ton is equal to 100 cubic feet or about 2.832 kiloliters
  • The water ton is equal to 35.96 cubic feet or about 1.0183 kiloliters

The water ton was used as a unit of volume in Great Britain.

Plural: tons (water)

Ton (water) conversions: a detailed list with conversions from tons (water) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) volume measurement units is presented below.

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