Cubic mile conversions

Convert cubic miles to

cubic mile (unit of volume), pl. cubic miles, abbr. cu mi

The cubic mile conversion selector here selects the volume measurement unit to convert to starting from cubic miles (cu mi). To make a conversion starting from a unit of volume other than cubic mile, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About cubic mile

The cubic mile is a unit of volume in the Imperial and US customary systems of units equal to 4.16818183 × 109 cubic meters (1 cu mi = 4.16818183 × 109 m3), the derived unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI).

The cubic mile (cu mi) is also equal to 4.16818183 × 1012 cubic decimeters (dm3), or 4,168,181.83 cubic decameters (dam3) or 4.16818183 cubic kilometers (km3) (units of volume in the SI), or 4.16818183 × 1015 milliliters (mL), or 4.16818183 × 1013 deciliters (dL) or 4.16818183 × 1012 liters (L), which are units of volume in the metric system.

The cubic mile (cu mi) is an Imperial / US customary unit of volume. The mile is a unit of length in the Imperial / US customary systems of units. A volume of 1.0 cubic mile is the volume of a cube that is 1.0 mile on each edge.

Symbol: cu mi

Plural: cubic miles

Cubic mile conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from cubic miles to other (metric, imperial, or customary) volume measurement units is shown below.

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