Barrel (US fluid) conversions

Convert barrels (US fluid) to

barrel (US fluid) (unit of volume), pl. barrels (US fluid), abbr. fl bl

The barrel (US fluid) conversion selector on this page selects the volume measurement unit to convert to starting from barrels (US fluid) (fl bl). To make a conversion starting from a unit of volume other than barrel (US fluid), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About barrel (US fluid)

The barrel (US fluid), or US fluid barrel, is a unit of volume in the US customary system of units equal to 0.119240471 cubic meters (1 fl bl (US)) = 0.119240471 m3), the derived unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI).

The barrel (US fluid) is also equal to 119,240.471 cubic centimeters (cm3), or 1.19240471 × 10-4 cubic decameters (dam3) or 1.19240471 × 10-10 cubic kilometers (km3) (units of volume in the SI), or 119.240471 liters (L), or 11.9240471 decaliters (daL), or 1.19240471 hectoliters (hL) or 0.119240471 kiloliters (kL), which are units of volume in the metric system.

The barrel definition varies depending on the system of units used, as follows:

  • The US fluid barrel or barrel (US fluid), equal to 119.240471 cubic decimeters or 31.5 US liquid gallons
  • The US dry barrel or barrel (US dry), equal to 115.628199 cubic decimeters or 26.25 US dry gallons
  • The Imperial barrel or barrel (UK), equal to 163.65924 cubic decimeters or 36 UK gallons
  • The petroleum barrel or barrel (oil), equal to 158.987295 cubic decimeters or 42 US liquid gallons

The US fluid barrel varies between 31 and 42 US liquid gallons depending on the type of fluid measured. For most fluids (except oil), one US fluid barrel equals 31.5 US liquid gallons. A US beer barrel equals 31 US liquid gallons.

Symbol: fl bl

Plural: barrels (US fluid)

Also known as: barrel (US fluid) (plural: barrels (US fluid))

Barrel (US fluid) conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from barrels (US fluid) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) volume measurement units is presented below.

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