1 cubic inch is equal to 0.0043290043290043 gallons (US liquid)
cubic inches (cu in) | gallons (US liquid) (gal) |
12 | 0.051948051948052 |
22 | 0.095238095238095 |
32 | 0.13852813852814 |
42 | 0.18181818181818 |
52 | 0.22510822510823 |
62 | 0.26839826839827 |
72 | 0.31168831168831 |
82 | 0.35497835497835 |
92 | 0.3982683982684 |
102 | 0.44155844155844 |
112 | 0.48484848484848 |
122 | 0.52813852813853 |
132 | 0.57142857142857 |
142 | 0.61471861471861 |
152 | 0.65800865800866 |
To create a customized cubic inches to gallons (US liquid) conversion table, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.