Cubic centimeters to cubic meters (cm³ to m³)

Convert cubic centimeters to cubic meters

Cubic centimeters to cubic meters conversion factor

1 cubic centimeter is equal to 1.0E-6 cubic meters

(1 cm³ = 1.0E-6 )

Cubic centimeters to cubic meters conversion formula

Volume(m³) = Volume (cm³) × 1.0E-6

Example: How many cubic meters are in 68 cubic centimeters?

Volume(m³) = 68 ( cm³ ) × 1.0E-6 ( / cm³ )

Volume(m³) = 6.8E-5 or

68 cm³ = 6.8E-5

68 cubic centimeters equals 6.8E-5 cubic meters

Cubic centimeters to cubic meters conversion table

cubic centimeters (cm³)cubic meters ()
12 cm³1.2E-5
14 cm³1.4E-5
16 cm³1.6E-5
18 cm³1.8E-5
20 cm³2.0E-5
22 cm³2.2E-5
24 cm³2.4E-5
26 cm³2.6E-5
cubic centimeters (cm³)cubic meters ()
350 cm³0.00035
600 cm³0.0006
850 cm³0.00085
1100 cm³0.0011
1350 cm³0.00135
1600 cm³0.0016
1850 cm³0.00185
2100 cm³0.0021

Versions of the cubic centimeters to cubic meters conversion table. To create a cubic centimeters to cubic meters conversion table for different values, click on the "Create a customized volume conversion table" button.

Related volume conversions

  1. Cubic centimeter to cubic kilometer
  2. Cubic centimeter to cup (metric)
  3. Cubic centimeter to bushel (UK)
  4. Cubic centimeter to teaspoon (Canada)
  5. Cubic meters to cubic centimeters
  6. Cubic meter to barrel (US dry)
  7. Cubic meter to fluid ounce (UK)

Back to cubic centimeters to cubic meters conversion
