Month (30 days) conversions

Convert months (30 days) to

month (30 days) (unit of time), pl. months (30 days), abbr. mo

The month (30 days) conversion selector above selects the time measurement unit to convert to starting from months (30 days) (mo). To make a conversion starting from a unit of time other than month (30 days), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About month (30 days)

The month is a unit of time corresponding to the natural period it takes the Moon to return to a given position among the stars. A calendar month varies in length between 28 and 31 days.

In the Gregorian calendar, the internationally accepted civil calendar, one year is divided into 12 months as follows:

  1. Month 1 - January: 31 days
  2. Month 2 - February: 28 days (in common years) or 29 days (in leap years)
  3. Month 3 - March: 31 days
  4. Month 4 - April: 30 days
  5. Month 5 - May: 31 days
  6. Month 6 - June: 30 days
  7. Month 7 - July: 31 days
  8. Month 8 - August: 31 days
  9. Month 9 - September: 30 days
  10. Month 10 - October: 31 days
  11. Month 11 - November: 30 days
  12. Month 12 - December: 31 days

One calendar year has 4 months of 30 days (April, June, September, and November).

Symbol: mo

Plural: months (30 days)

Month (30 days) conversions: a list with conversions from months (30 days) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) time measurement units is presented below.

Back to month (30 days) (mo)
