Month (30 days) conversions
The month (30 days) conversion selector above selects the time measurement unit to convert to starting from months (30 days) (mo). To make a conversion starting from a unit of time other than month (30 days), simply click on the "Reset" button.
About month (30 days)
The month is a unit of time corresponding to the natural period it takes the Moon to return to a given position among the stars. A calendar month varies in length between 28 and 31 days.
In the Gregorian calendar, the internationally accepted civil calendar, one year is divided into 12 months as follows:
- Month 1 - January: 31 days
- Month 2 - February: 28 days (in common years) or 29 days (in leap years)
- Month 3 - March: 31 days
- Month 4 - April: 30 days
- Month 5 - May: 31 days
- Month 6 - June: 30 days
- Month 7 - July: 31 days
- Month 8 - August: 31 days
- Month 9 - September: 30 days
- Month 10 - October: 31 days
- Month 11 - November: 30 days
- Month 12 - December: 31 days
One calendar year has 4 months of 30 days (April, June, September, and November).
Symbol: mo
Plural: months (30 days)
Month (30 days) conversions: a list with conversions from months (30 days) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) time measurement units is presented below.
- month (30 days) to attosecond (mo to as)
- month (30 days) to century
- month (30 days) to day (mo to d)
- month (30 days) to decade
- month (30 days) to femtosecond (mo to fs)
- month (30 days) to hour (mo to h)
- month (30 days) to leap year (366 days) (mo to leap y)
- month (30 days) to lustrum
- month (30 days) to microsecond (mo to μs)
- month (30 days) to millennium
- month (30 days) to millisecond (mo to ms)
- month (30 days) to minute (mo to min)
- month (30 days) to month (31 days) (mo to mo)
- month (30 days) to nanosecond (mo to ns)
- month (30 days) to picosecond (mo to ps)
- month (30 days) to second (mo to s)
- month (30 days) to week
- month (30 days) to year (365 days) (mo to y)