Leap year (366 days) conversions
The leap year (366 days) conversion selector selects the time measurement unit to convert to starting from leap years (366 days) (leap y). To make a conversion starting from a unit of time other than leap year (366 days), simply click on the "Reset" button.
About leap year (366 days)
In the Gregorian calendar, the internationally accepted civil calendar, the leap years are the years exactly divisible by four. For example, the year 2000 is a leap year while the year 2001 is not a leap year.
In the leap years, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28 days. Thus, the leap years have 366 days, one day more than the common years. The extra day in the leap year (i.e., the 29th day of February) is called the leap day. The Gregorian calendar omits 3 leap days every 400 years.
Symbol: leap y
Plural: leap years (366 days)
Leap year (366 days) conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from leap years (366 days) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) time measurement units is presented below.
- leap year (366 days) to attosecond (leap y to as)
- leap year (366 days) to century
- leap year (366 days) to day (leap y to d)
- leap year (366 days) to decade
- leap year (366 days) to femtosecond (leap y to fs)
- leap year (366 days) to hour (leap y to h)
- leap year (366 days) to lustrum
- leap year (366 days) to microsecond (leap y to μs)
- leap year (366 days) to millennium
- leap year (366 days) to millisecond (leap y to ms)
- leap year (366 days) to minute (leap y to min)
- leap year (366 days) to month (30 days) (leap y to mo)
- leap year (366 days) to month (31 days) (leap y to mo)
- leap year (366 days) to nanosecond (leap y to ns)
- leap year (366 days) to picosecond (leap y to ps)
- leap year (366 days) to second (leap y to s)
- leap year (366 days) to week
- leap year (366 days) to year (365 days) (leap y to y)