Using the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion calculator above you can calculate how many degrees Celsius are in 'X' degrees Fahrenheit (where 'X' is the number of degrees Fahrenheit to convert to degrees Celsius).
In order to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (from °F to °C) simply type the number of degrees Fahrenheit (°F) to be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) into the degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius calculator input field and then click on the 'convert' button.
Would you like to make the calculation, details on how to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius by using the Fahrenheit to Celsius formula are provided below.
To convert from a unit of temperature other than degree Fahrenheit (°F), go to temperature conversion page.
If you want to do the reverse unit conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit, go to Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion page.