Meter per hour conversions

Convert meters per hour to

meter per hour (unit of speed), pl. meters per hour, abbr. m/h

The meter per hour conversion selector here selects the speed/velocity measurement unit to convert to starting from meters per hour (m/h). To make a conversion starting from a unit of speed other than meter per hour, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About meter per hour

The meter per hour is a unit of speed in the metric system equal to 2.777778 × 10-4 meters per second (1 m/h = 2.777778 × 10-4 m/s), the derived unit of speed in the International System of Units (SI).

The meter per hour (m/h) is also equal to 0.001 kilometers per hour (km/h), or about 6.213711 × 10-4 miles per hour (mph), or 9.113444 × 10-4 feet per second (ft/s), or 0.010936 inches per second (in/s) or 5.399568 × 10 -4 knots (kn).

The speed is the distance traveled by an object during a period of time. Thus, meters per hour (meters/hour) show how many meters are traveled in one hour. The meter is a unit of length in the metric system while the hour is a unit of time.

Meters per hour are usually used when expressing very slow moving objects.

Symbol: m/h

Plural: meters per hour

Also known as: metre/hour, metre per hour (plural: metres per hour, Int. spelling), meter/hour (plural: meters/hour, US spelling)

Meter per hour conversions: a list with conversions from meters per hour to other (metric, imperial, or customary) speed and velocity measurement units is presented below.

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