Pieze conversions

Convert pieze to

pièze (unit of pressure), pl. pieze, abbr. pz

The pieze conversion selector here selects the pressure/stress measurement unit to convert to starting from pieze (pz). To make a conversion starting from a unit of pressure other than pieze, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About pieze

The pièze is a unit of pressure in the metre-tonne-second (mts) system of units equal to 1,000 pascals (1 pz = 1,000 Pa), the SI derived unit of pressure.

The pièze (pz) is also equal to 10 hectopascals (hPa), or 1.0 kilopascal (kPa), or 0.001 megapascals (MPa), or 0.00986923267 atmospheres (atm), or 0.01 bars (bar), or 7.50061683 millimeters of mercury at 0 °C (mmHg), or 4.01463 inches of water at 4 °C (inH2O), or 0.145038 pounds per square inch (psi), or 20.8854342 pounds per square foot (psf) or 7.50061683 torr (Torr).

The pièze is equal to one sthène per square meter or 1,000 newtons per square meter (1 pz = 1 sn/m2 = 1,000 N/m2). The sthène (sn) and newton (N) are units of force while the square meter (m2) is a unit of area.

Symbol: pz

Plural: pieze

Pieze conversions: a list with conversions from pieze to other (metric, imperial, or customary) pressure and stress measurement units is given below.

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