Milliwatts to microwatts (mW to μW)

Convert milliwatts to microwatts

Milliwatts to microwatts conversion factor

1 milliwatt is equal to 1000 microwatts

(1 mW = 1000 μW)

Milliwatts to microwatts conversion formula

Power(μW) = Power (mW) × 1000

Example: How many microwatts are in 505 milliwatts?

Power(μW) = 505 ( mW ) × 1000 ( μW / mW )

Power(μW) = 505000 μWor

505 mW = 505000 μW

505 milliwatts equals 505000 microwatts

Milliwatts to microwatts conversion table

milliwatts (mW)microwatts (μW)
12 mW12000 μW
14 mW14000 μW
16 mW16000 μW
18 mW18000 μW
20 mW20000 μW
22 mW22000 μW
24 mW24000 μW
26 mW26000 μW
28 mW28000 μW
30 mW30000 μW
32 mW32000 μW
34 mW34000 μW
36 mW36000 μW
38 mW38000 μW
40 mW40000 μW
milliwatts (mW)microwatts (μW)
400 mW400000 μW
600 mW600000 μW
800 mW800000 μW
1000 mW1000000 μW
1200 mW1200000 μW
1400 mW1400000 μW
1600 mW1600000 μW
1800 mW1800000 μW
2000 mW2000000 μW
2200 mW2200000 μW
2400 mW2400000 μW
2600 mW2600000 μW
2800 mW2800000 μW
3000 mW3000000 μW
3200 mW3200000 μW

Versions of the milliwatts to microwatts conversion table. To create a milliwatts to microwatts conversion table for different values, click on the "Create a customized power conversion table" button.

Related power conversions

  1. Milliwatt to liter-atmosphere per minute
  2. Milliwatt to megawatt
  3. Milliwatt to cubic foot de natural gas per minute
  4. Milliwatt to nanowatt
  5. Microwatts to milliwatts
  6. Microwatt to Celsius heat unit (IT) per hour
  7. Microwatt to Celsius heat unit (IT) per minute
  8. Microwatt to calorie per second

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