Gigawatts to terawatts (GW to TW)

Convert gigawatts to terawatts

Gigawatts to terawatts conversion factor

1 gigawatt is equal to 0.001 terawatts

(1 GW = 0.001 TW)

Gigawatts to terawatts conversion formula

Power(TW) = Power (GW) × 0.001

Example: How many terawatts are in 198 gigawatts?

Power(TW) = 198 ( GW ) × 0.001 ( TW / GW )

Power(TW) = 0.198 TWor

198 GW = 0.198 TW

198 gigawatts equals 0.198 terawatts

Gigawatts to terawatts conversion table

gigawatts (GW)terawatts (TW)
12 GW0.012 TW
14 GW0.014 TW
16 GW0.016 TW
18 GW0.018 TW
20 GW0.02 TW
22 GW0.022 TW
24 GW0.024 TW
26 GW0.026 TW
28 GW0.028 TW
30 GW0.03 TW
gigawatts (GW)terawatts (TW)
450 GW0.45 TW
700 GW0.7 TW
950 GW0.95 TW
1200 GW1.2 TW
1450 GW1.45 TW
1700 GW1.7 TW
1950 GW1.95 TW
2200 GW2.2 TW
2450 GW2.45 TW
2700 GW2.7 TW

Versions of the gigawatts to terawatts conversion table. To create a gigawatts to terawatts conversion table for different values, click on the "Create a customized power conversion table" button.

Related power conversions

  1. Gigawatt to watt
  2. Gigawatt to calorie per second
  3. Gigawatt to foot-pound-force per hour
  4. Terawatts to gigawatts
  5. Terawatt to milliwatt
  6. Terawatt to Celsius heat unit (IT) per hour

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