Horsepower (electric) conversions

Convert horsepower (electric) to

electrical horsepower (unit of power), pl. electrical horsepower, abbr. hp

The horsepower (electric) conversion selector here selects the power measurement unit to convert to starting from horsepower (electric) (hp). To make a conversion starting from a unit of power other than horsepower (electric), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About horsepower (electric)

The electrical horsepower is a unit of power equal to 746 watts (1 electrical hp = 746 W), the derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI).

The electrical horsepower (hp) is also equal to 0.746 kilowatts (kW), or 7.46 × 10-4 megawatts (MW), or 7.46 × 10-7 gigawatts (GW), or 2,545.4576598 British thermal units (IT) per hour (BTU/h), or 641.873806 kilocalories (thermochemical) per hour (kcal/h) or 1.014 horsepower (metric) (hp).

The horsepower definition varies as follows:

  • The mechanical horsepower (hp) or Imperial horsepower (hp) is equal to 745.699872 watts (W)
  • The electrical horsepower (hp) is equal to 746 watts (W)
  • The hydraulic horsepower (hp) is equal to 745.699872 watts (W)
  • The metric horsepower (hp) is equal to 735.49875 watts (W)
  • The boiler horsepower (hp) or steam horsepower (hp) is equal to 9,810.657 watts (W)

The electrical horsepower is used for rating electric motors.

Symbol: hp

Plural: horsepower (electric)

Horsepower (electric) conversions: a detailed list with conversions from horsepower (electric) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) power measurement units is shown below.

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