Atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute conversions

Convert atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute to

atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute (unit of power), pl. atmosphere-cubic centimeters per minute, abbr. atm ccm

The atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute conversion selector above selects the power measurement unit to convert to starting from atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute (atm ccm). To make a conversion starting from a unit of power other than atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute

The atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute is a unit of power equal to 0.00168875 watts (1 atm ccm = 0.00168875 W), the derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI).

The atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute (atm ccm) is also equal to 1.68875 × 10-6 kilowatt (kW), or 1.68875 × 10-9 megawatts (MW), or 1.68875 × 10-12 gigawatts (GW), or 0.005762254 British thermal units (IT) per hour (BTU/h), or 0.001453035 kilocalories (thermochemical) per hour (kcal/h) or 2.296061 × 10-6 horsepower (metric) (hp).

Symbol: atm ccm

Plural: atmosphere-cubic centimeters per minute

Also called: atmosphere-cubic centimetre per minute (Int. spelling)

Atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from atmosphere-cubic centimeter per minute to other (metric, imperial, or customary) power measurement units is presented below.

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