Celsius heat unit (IT) per second conversions

Convert Celsius heat units (IT) per second to

Celsius heat unit (IT) per second (unit of power), pl. Celsius heat units (IT) per second, abbr. CHU/s

The Celsius heat unit (IT) per second conversion selector above selects the power measurement unit to convert to starting from Celsius heat units (IT) per second (CHU/s). To make a conversion starting from a unit of power other than Celsius heat unit (IT) per second, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About Celsius heat unit (IT) per second

The Celsius heat unit (IT) per second is a unit of power equal to 1,899.100534716 watts (1 CHU/s = 1,899.100534716 W), the derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI).

The Celsius heat unit (IT) per second (CHU/s) is also equal to 1.899100534716 kilowatts (kW), or 1.899100534716 × 10-3 megawatts (MW), or 1.899100534716 × 10-6 gigawatts (GW), or 6,480 British thermal units (IT) per hour (BTU/h), or 1,634.0253198 kilocalories (thermochemical) per hour (kcal/h) or 2.58205814 horsepower (metric) (hp).

The Celsius heat unit per second definition varies as follows:

  • The Celsius heat unit (IT) per second (CHU/s) is equal to 1,899.100534716 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (ISO) per second (CHU/s) is equal to 1,899.1008 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (th) per second (CHU/s) is equal to 1,897.830476 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (mean) per second (CHU/s) is equal to about 1,900.566 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (39 °F) per second (CHU/s) is equal to about 1,907.406 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (59 °F) per second (CHU/s) is equal to 1,898.6472 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (60 °F) per second (CHU/s) is equal to about 1,898.424 watts
  • The Celsius heat unit (63 °F) per second (CHU/s) is equal to about 1,898.28 watts

The Celsius heat unit (IT) per second (CHU/s) is a unit of power. The Celsius heat unit (IT) (CHU) is a unit of energy while the second (s) is a unit of time.

Symbol: CHU/s

Plural: Celsius heat units (IT) per second

Also known as: centigrade heat unit per second (plural: centigrade heat units per second)

Celsius heat unit (IT) per second conversions: a list with conversions from Celsius heat units (IT) per second to other (metric, imperial, or customary) power measurement units is presented below.

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