Picogram conversions

Convert picograms to

picogram (SI unit of mass), pl. picograms, abbr. pg

The picogram conversion selector here selects the mass/weight measurement unit to convert to starting from picograms (pg). To make a conversion starting from a unit of mass other than picogram, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About picogram

The picogram is a unit of mass in the metric system equal to 10-15 kilograms (1 pg = 10-15 kg), the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI).

One picogram (pg) is also equal to 10-12 grams (g), or 10-9 milligrams (mg) or 10-6 micrograms (μg) (SI units of mass), or approximately 2.20462 × 10-15 pounds (lb) or 35.27396 × 10-15 ounces (oz), which are US customary / Imperial units of mass.

Symbol: pg

Plural: picograms

Also known as: picogramme (plural: picogrammes, traditional British-English spelling)

Picogram conversions: a detailed list with conversions from picograms to other (metric, imperial, or customary) mass and weight measurement units is given below.

Back to picogram (pg)
