Ounce conversions
The ounce conversion selector on this page selects the mass/weight measurement unit to convert to starting from ounces (oz). To make a conversion starting from a unit of mass other than ounce, simply click on the "Reset" button.
About ounce
The international avoirdupois ounce (or simply "ounce") is a unit of mass in the Imperial and US customary systems of units equal to 0.028349523125 kilograms (1 oz = 0.028349523125 kg), the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI).
One ounce (oz) is also equal to 28.349523125 grams (g), or 28,349.523125 milligrams (mg) or 28.349523125 × 106 micrograms (μg) (SI units of mass), or 0.0625 pounds (lb), or 0.9114583 troy ounces (oz t) or 437.5 grains (gr), which are US customary / Imperial units of mass.
The ounce definition varies depending on the system of units used, as follows:
- The avoirdupois ounce (or simply "ounce"), equal to 0.0625 pounds
- The troy ounce, equal to 0.0685714286 pounds
- The Apothecaries' ounce, equal to 0.0685714286 pounds
- The Dutch metric ounce, equal to 0.220462262 pounds
- The Spanish ounce, equal to 0.0633829004 pounds
- The Chinese metric ounce, equal to 0.110231131 pounds
- The Maria Theresa ounce, equal to 0.0618767022 pounds
The ounce is commonly used as a unit of mass / weight in the United States and the United Kingdom.
The abbreviation "oz" for ounce comes from the old Italian word "onza".
Symbol: oz
Plural: ounces
Also called: ounce (plural: ounces, symbol: oz)
Ounce conversions: a detailed list with conversions from ounces to other (metric, imperial, or customary) mass and weight measurement units is presented below.
- ounce to atomic mass unit (oz to amu)
- ounce to carat (oz to ct)
- ounce to centigram (oz to cg)
- ounce to crith
- ounce to dalton (oz to Da)
- ounce to decigram (oz to dg)
- ounce to dram (oz to dr)
- ounce to electron mass (oz to me)
- ounce to grain (oz to gr)
- ounce to gram (oz to g)
- ounce to hundredweight (UK) (oz to cwt)
- ounce to hundredweight (US) (oz to cwt)
- ounce to kilogram (oz to kg)
- ounce to kilotonne (oz to kt)
- ounce to kip
- ounce to long ton
- ounce to metric grain (oz to metric gr)
- ounce to metric pound (oz to metric lb)
- ounce to metric ton (oz to t)
- ounce to microgram (oz to μg)
- ounce to milligram (oz to mg)
- ounce to nanogram (oz to ng)
- ounce to pennyweight (oz to dwt)
- ounce to picogram (oz to pg)
- ounce to pound (oz to lb)
- ounce to quarter (UK) (oz to qtr)
- ounce to quarter (US) (oz to qtr)
- ounce to quintal
- ounce to short ton
- ounce to tonne (oz to t)
- ounce to troy ounce (oz to oz t)
- ounce to troy pound (oz to lb t)