Kilogram conversions

Convert kilograms to

kilogram (SI unit of mass), pl. kilograms, abbr. kg

The kilogram conversion selector selects the mass/weight measurement unit to convert to starting from kilograms (kg). To make a conversion starting from a unit of mass other than kilogram, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About kilogram

The kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI).

One kilogram (kg) is equal to 1,000 grams (g) or 106 milligrams (mg) (SI units of mass), or 0.001 tonnes (t) (a unit of mass in the metric system), or approximately 2.20462 pounds (lb) or 35.27396 ounces (oz), which are US customary / Imperial units of mass.

Although the kilogram is the base unit of mass in the SI, within the name or symbol of an SI unit of mass the SI prefixes are used in combination with "gram" and not "kilogram" which already has a prefix (kilo-) included in its name. Examples of SI units of mass include: picogram, nanogram, microgram, milligram, centigram, decigram, etc.

The kilogram is the only base unit of measurement in the International System of Units that has an SI prefix as part of its name.

Symbol: kg

Plural: kilograms

Also known as: kilogramme (plural: kilogrammes, traditional British-English spelling)

Kilogram conversions: a list with conversions from kilograms to other (metric, imperial, or customary) mass and weight measurement units is shown below.

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