Carat conversions

Convert carats to

carat (metric unit of mass), pl. carats, abbr. ct

The carat conversion selector above selects the mass/weight measurement unit to convert to starting from carats (ct). To make a conversion starting from a unit of mass other than carat, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About carat

The carat (or metric carat) is a unit of mass in the metric system, equal to 0.2 × 10-3 kilograms (1 carat = 0.2 × 10-3 kg), the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI).

The carat (ct) is also equal to 200 milligrams (mg) or 0.2 grams (g) (SI units of mass), or approximately 4.409245 × 10-4 pounds (lb) or 0.007055 ounces (oz), which are US customary / Imperial units of mass.

Over time various carats have been recorded, examples of which include:

  • The Romans and Greeks carat called "solidus", equal to about 189 milligrams
  • The Egypt carat in the Byzantine period, equal to about 196 milligrams
  • The Syrian carat in the First Millennium CE, equal to about 212 milligrams

The carat is used in many countries around the world as a unit of mass for pearls and gemstones.

The term "carat" (plural: carats, symbol: ct) or "karat" (plural: karats, symbol: kt, US spelling) is also used as a unit of purity for gold alloy (the pure gold = 24-carats).

Symbol: ct

Plural: carats

Also called: metric carat (plural: metric carats)

Carat conversions: a detailed list with conversions from carats to other (metric, imperial, or customary) mass and weight measurement units is displayed below.

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