1 crith is equal to 0.00024095618146458 troy pounds
criths | troy pounds (lb t) |
15 | 0.0036143427219686 |
25 | 0.0060239045366144 |
35 | 0.0084334663512601 |
45 | 0.010843028165906 |
55 | 0.013252589980552 |
65 | 0.015662151795197 |
75 | 0.018071713609843 |
85 | 0.020481275424489 |
95 | 0.022890837239135 |
105 | 0.02530039905378 |
To create a customized criths to troy pounds conversion table, click on the "Create a customized mass conversion table" button.