Light-day conversions
The light-day conversion selector on this page selects the length/distance measurement unit to convert to starting from light-days. To make a conversion starting from a unit of length other than light-day, simply click on the "Reset" button.
About light-day
The light-day, or light day, is an astronomical unit of distance defined as the distance that light travels in free space (or vacuum) in one day.
The light-day is equal to 2.590206837 × 1013 meters (1 light-day = 2.590206837 × 1013 m), the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). The light-day is also equal to 2.590 × 1010 kilometers (km) (an SI unit of length), or approximately 1.609 × 1010 miles (mi) or 8.4981 × 1013 feet (ft), which are US customary / Imperial units of length.
The light-day along with light-second, light-minute and light-hour are used in popular science publications. One light-day is equal to 86,400 light-seconds, or 1,440 light-minutes, or 24 light-hours or about 0.002738 light-years.
Plural: light-days
Light-day conversions: a detailed list with conversions from light-days to other (metric, imperial, or customary) length and distance measurement units is displayed below.
- light-day to angstrom
- light-day to astronomical unit
- light-day to Bohr radius
- light-day to cable (International)
- light-day to cable (UK)
- light-day to cable (US)
- light-day to centimeter
- light-day to chain
- light-day to cubit
- light-day to decameter
- light-day to decimeter
- light-day to Earth radius
- light-day to Earth-Moon distance
- light-day to Earth-Sun distance
- light-day to fathom
- light-day to femtometer
- light-day to fermi
- light-day to foot
- light-day to furlong
- light-day to hectometer
- light-day to inch
- light-day to kilometer
- light-day to league
- light-day to light-hour
- light-day to light-minute
- light-day to light-second
- light-day to light-year
- light-day to meter
- light-day to micrometer
- light-day to micron
- light-day to mil
- light-day to mile
- light-day to millimeter
- light-day to nanometer
- light-day to nautical league
- light-day to nautical mile
- light-day to parsec
- light-day to picometer
- light-day to Plank length
- light-day to quarter
- light-day to rod
- light-day to yard