Gallon-atmosphere (UK) conversions

Convert gallon-atmosphere (UK) to

gallon-atmosphere (UK) (unit of energy), pl. gallon-atmosphere (UK), abbr. gal atm

The gallon-atmosphere (UK) conversion selector above selects the energy measurement unit to convert to starting from gallon-atmosphere (UK) (gal atm). To make a conversion starting from a unit of energy other than gallon-atmosphere (UK), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About gallon-atmosphere (UK)

The gallon-atmosphere (UK), or gallon-atmosphere (imperial), is a unit of energy equal to 460.63256925 joules (1 gal atm (UK) = 460.63256925 J), the SI derived unit of energy.

The gallon-atmosphere (UK) is also equal to 0.46063256925 kilojoules (kJ), or 110.093826302 calories (thermochemical) (cal), or 0.110093826302 kilocalories (thermochemical) (kcal), or 0.2425530196 Celsius heat units (IT) (CHU), or 0.127953491 watt hours (Wh) or 0.000127953491 kilowatt hours (kWh).

The gallon-atmosphere definition varies as follows:

  • The UK gallon-atmosphere, or Imperial gallon-atmosphere, is equal to 460.63256925 joules
  • The US gallon-atmosphere is equal to 383.5568490138 joules

Symbol: gal atm

Plural: gallon-atmosphere (UK)

Gallon-atmosphere (UK) conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from gallon-atmosphere (UK) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) energy measurement units is presented below.

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