Celsius heat unit (IT) conversions

Convert Celsius heat units (IT) to

Celsius heat unit (IT) (unit of energy), pl. Celsius heat units (IT), abbr. CHU

The Celsius heat unit (IT) conversion selector selects the energy measurement unit to convert to starting from Celsius heat units (IT) (CHU). To make a conversion starting from a unit of energy other than Celsius heat unit (IT), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About Celsius heat unit (IT)

The Celsius heat unit (IT) is a unit of energy or work equal to 1,899.1005347 joules (1 CHU = 1,899.1005347 J), the SI derived unit of energy.

The Celsius heat unit (IT) is also equal to 1.8991005347 kilojoules (kJ), or 453.895921 calories (thermochemical) (cal), or 0.453895921 kilocalories (thermochemical) (kcal), or 1.8 British thermal units (BTU), or 0.5275279 watt hours (Wh) or 0.0005275279 kilowatt hours (kWh).

The Celsius heat unit is the energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Celsius (or 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) at a constant pressure of one atmosphere. One Celsius heat unit is equal to 1.8 British thermal units.

1 CHU = 1.8 BTU.

The Celsius heat unit definition varies as follows:

  • The Celsius heat unit (IT) (CHU) is equal to 1,899.100534716 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (ISO) (CHU) is equal to 1,899.1008 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (th) (CHU) is equal to about 1,897.830475992 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (mean) (CHU) is equal to about 1,900.566 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (39 °F) (CHU) is equal to about 1,907.406 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (59 °F) (CHU) is equal to 1,898.6472 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (60 °F) (CHU) is equal to about 1,898.424 joules
  • The Celsius heat unit (63 °F) (CHU) is equal to about 1,898.28 joules

Symbol: CHU

Plural: Celsius heat units (IT)

Also known as: centigrade heat unit (plural: centigrade heat units)

Celsius heat unit (IT) conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from Celsius heat units (IT) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) energy measurement units is given below.

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