British thermal unit (59 F) conversions

Convert British thermal units (59 °F) to

British thermal unit (59 °F) (unit of energy), pl. British thermal units (59 °F), abbr. BTU

The British thermal unit (59 F) conversion selector here selects the energy measurement unit to convert to starting from British thermal units (59 °F). To make a conversion starting from a unit of energy other than British thermal unit (59 F), simply click on the "Reset" button.

About British thermal unit (59 °F)

The British thermal unit (59 °F) is a unit of energy equal to 1,054.804 joules (1 BTU (59 °F) = 1,054.804 J), the SI derived unit of energy.

The British thermal unit (59 °F) is also equal to 1.054804 kilojoules (kJ), or 252.104206501 calories (thermochemical) (cal), or 0.252104206501 kilocalories (thermochemical) (kcal), or 0.5554229388 Celsius heat units (IT) (CHU), or 0.2930011111 watt hours (Wh) or 2.930011111 × 10-4 kilowatt hours (kWh).

The British thermal unit (BTU) is the energy required to increase the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit (0.556 degrees Celsius) at a constant pressure of one atmosphere.

The British thermal unit definition varies as follows:

  • 1 BTU (IT) is equal to 1,055.05585262 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (ISO) is equal to 1,055.056 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (thermochemical) is equal to about 1,054.35026444 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (mean) is equal to about 1,055.87 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (39 °F) is equal to about 1,059.67 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (59 °F) is equal to 1,054.804 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (60 °F) is equal to about 1,054.68 × 10-3 kilojoules
  • 1 BTU (63 °F) is equal to about 1,054.6 × 10-3 kilojoules

The most common BTU multiples are:

  • One thousand British thermal units (MBTU, MBtu, e3BTU, BTUE3), equal to 1,000 BTU
  • One million British thermal units (MMBTU, MMBtu, e6BTU, BTUE6), equal to 1,000,000 BTU
  • One therm, equal to 100,000 BTU
  • One quad (energy) (or quadrillion BTU), equal to 1015 BTU

The BTU is commonly used in the power generation, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries. Usually, the BTU-IT is used in the European Union while the BTU-59 °F is used in the United States.

Plural: British thermal units (59 °F)

British thermal unit (59 F) conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from British thermal units (59 °F) to other (metric, imperial, or customary) energy measurement units is displayed below.

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