Circular inch conversions

Convert circular inches to

circular inch (Imp. & US customary unit of area), pl. circular inches, abbr. circ in

The circular inch conversion selector on this page selects the area/surface measurement unit to convert to starting from circular inches (circ in). To make a conversion starting from a unit of area other than circular inch, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About circular inch

The circular inch is a unit of area in the Imperial and US customary systems of units equal to 5.067075 × 10-4 square meters (1 circular inch = 5.067075 × 10-4 m2), the standard derived unit of area in the International System of Units (SI).

The circular inch (circ in) is also equal to 5.067075 square centimeters (cm2), or 506.7075 square millimeters (mm2), or 506.707.5 × 106 square micrometers (μm2) or 5.067075 × 1014 square nanometers (nm2) (units of area in the SI), or about 785,398.196 square mils, or 0.785398196 square inches (sq in) or 0.00545415414 square feet (sq ft), which are Imperial / US customary units of area.

The circular inch (circ in) is an Imperial / US customary unit of area. The inch (in) is a unit of length in the Imperial and US customary systems of units. An area of 1.0 circular inch is the area of a circle that is 1.0 inch in diameter.

The conversion formula between square inches and circular inches:

Square Inches = π/4 × Circular Inches

The circular inch is used to specify the area of the cross section of a cable or wire.

Symbol: circ in

Plural: circular inches

Circular inch conversions: a compehensive list with conversions from circular inches to other (metric, imperial, or customary) area and surface measurement units is shown below.

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