Carreau conversions

Convert carreau to

carreau (Haitian unit of area), pl. carreau

The carreau conversion selector above selects the area/surface measurement unit to convert to starting from carreau. To make a conversion starting from a unit of area other than carreau, simply click on the "Reset" button.

About carreau

The carreau is a traditional Haitian unit of area equal to about 12,900 square meters (1 carreau = 12,900 m2), the standard derived unit of area in the International System of Units (SI).

The carreau is also equal to about 12,900 centiares (ca) or 1.29 hectares (ha) (units of area in the metric system), or 0.0129 square kilometers (km2) (a unit of area in the SI), or 3.1876 acres (ac), or 15,428.2716 square yards (sq yd) or 138,854.444 square feet (sq ft), which are Imperial / US customary units of area.

The carreau is used for measuring areas of land.

Plural: carreau

Carreau conversions: a list with conversions from carreau to other (metric, imperial, or customary) area and surface measurement units is shown below.

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