1 tablespoon (US) is equal to 0.83267418469938 tablespoons (UK)
tablespoons (US) (tbsp) | tablespoons (UK) (tbsp) |
7 | 5.8287192928957 |
12 | 9.9920902163925 |
17 | 14.155461139889 |
22 | 18.318832063386 |
27 | 22.482202986883 |
32 | 26.64557391038 |
37 | 30.808944833877 |
42 | 34.972315757374 |
47 | 39.135686680871 |
52 | 43.299057604368 |
57 | 47.462428527865 |
62 | 51.625799451361 |
67 | 55.789170374858 |
72 | 59.952541298355 |
77 | 64.115912221852 |
82 | 68.279283145349 |
87 | 72.442654068846 |
92 | 76.606024992343 |
97 | 80.76939591584 |
102 | 84.932766839337 |
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