Metric convertions, calculators and calendars
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There is a number of different systems of measurement units in use throughout the world. The most widely used system of units is the SI which represents the internationally recognised standard metric system. provides free and easy to use online calculators for making conversions between units of measurement in different systems of units. Examples of measurement units you can find on this site include: customary units (acre, mile per hour, square foot, degree Fahrenheit, pound, gallon, cubic inch, fluid ounce, ft, inch, mile, etc.), SI units (meter, second, kelvin, kilogram), SI-derived units (meter per second, kilogram per cubic meter, square meter, joule, degree Celsius, etc.), and non-SI units (liter, hectare, tonne, kilowatt hour, minute, mmHg, etc.).
Aside from online conversion calculators, also provides several common calculators, such as BMI calculator and personal loan calculator, you can easily use online. In addition, our website also provides a series of yearly calendars, planners, schedules and other lists, sheets and tables in PDF format for easy printing. Thank you for visiting