Kelvin conversion formulas

Conversion formulas from Kelvin to Celsius, Fahrenheit, Rankine, and Réaumur.

Kelvin to Celsius formula

Formula for converting from kelvin (K) to degrees Celsius (°C) is:

T(°C) = T(K) - 273.15

How to convert 320 kelvin (K) to degrees Celsius (°C)?

Substitute T(K) in the Kelvin to Celsius formula for 320 and make the calculation.

T(°C) = 320 - 273.15

T(°C) = 46.85 or

320 K = 46.85 °C

320 kelvin (K) is equal to 46.85 degrees Celsius (°C).

Kelvin to Fahrenheit formula

Formula for converting from kelvin (K) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) is:

T(°F) = T(K) × 9/5 - 459.67

How to convert 400 kelvin (K) to degrees Fahrenheit (°F)?

Substitute T(K) in the Kelvin to Fahrenheit formula for 400 and make the calculation.

T(°F) = 400 × 9/5 - 459.67

T(°F) = 260.33 or

400 K = 260.33 °F

400 kelvin (K) is equal to 260.33 degrees Fahrenheit (°F).

Kelvin to Rankine formula

Formula for converting kelvin (K) to degrees Rankine (°R) is:

T(°R) = T(K) × 9/5

How to convert 450 kelvin (K) to degrees Rankine (°R)?

Substitute T(K) in the Kelvin to Rankine formula for 450 and make the calculation.

T(°R) = 450 × 9/5

T(°R) = 810 or

450 K = 810 °R

450 kelvin (K) is equal to 810 degrees Rankine (°R).

Kelvin to Réaumur formula

Formula for converting kelvin (K) to degrees Réaumur (°Ré) is:

T(°Ré) = [T(K) - 273.15] × 4/5

How to convert 420 kelvin (K) to degrees Réaumur (°Ré)?

Substitute T(K) in the Kelvin to Réaumur formula for 420 and then make the calculation.

T(°Ré) = [420 - 273.15] × 4/5

T(°Ré) = 117.48 or

420 K = 117.48 °Ré

420 Kelvin (K) is equal to 117.48 degrees Réaumur (°Ré).